HETOME A series defined by Samy.D as an artistic and personal autobiographical body of works. Each single item in the series deals with a particular section from Lord Byron's "Child Harold's Pilgrimage“. The series serves as a discourse for the various aspects of inter-personal communication, stressing the fine differences between the intended message, the mediated message and the one received. The theme is reflected in through delicate paraphrases performed from Lord Byron's Poems Childe Harold's Pilgrimage and provide the text with a subjective and interpersonal perspective. The two dimensional works are composed of letters made of black-clay, some of which are coated with 14-karat gold; the framing is dramatic, heavy wood and the presentation is in different sizes, ranging from 50X70cm up to wall size works. The piece CANTO II from this collection was widely praised in the SOFA Chicago, November 2007. The piece CANTO IV was donated by Samy D. for the Israeli exhibition 'Imagination” hosted by Bank-HaPoalim to benefit the Israel AIDS Task Force.